Friday, November 23, 2012

Scrip shopping opportunities

Scrip gives you the opportunity to shop without the crowds.
Our Scrip program not only benefits our school, but also benefits you and your tuition payments.
Check it out by searching the link below.

Sign up online at use enrollment code A5F7E8F817681

Monday, August 20, 2012

My Bio

My teaching career began in August 1997, after I graduated from Concordia University in River Forest, Illinois.  I spent that first year in Ohio teaching 1st Grade at St. Marks Lutheran School.  From there I moved closer to home and began a new journey teaching at Immanuel Lutheran in Belvidere, IL.  I shared Christ with my students there for 3 years.  This school year marks my 7th year teaching here at Concordia.  I am excited about the changes and look forward to seeing what the BIG picture looks like.  God is in control.

My Music History:
Music has always been a part of me.  Growing up I was in my Lutheran grade school choir.  In 8th Grade I auditioned for the Glen Ellyn Children's Choir. My audition was successful.  I toured with this choir to many in US locations as well as Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Finland. Amazing experiences and memories.  In High School I was in Choir as well as the Choraliers group.  In college I sang with the choir as well as the traveling groups too.  This is my 7th year leading Concordia's Joyful Singer ensemble.
This is then my 4th year of being the school Music teacher.  I am having fun.  I may not be able to play a hand held instrument, but I can pass on my joy of "Making a Joyful noise unto the Lord" through vocal song.  When God is involved, nothing is impossible.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Part of my morning routine before I wake my daughter for school, I spend time with the Lord.
Daily, I receive devotions from Lutheran Church Charities. It's amazing how God can use that time spent with Him to brighten my day.
Here is the address if you'd like to spend time with Him too:

Friday, August 17, 2012

Parents Who Are Wise as Owls

Ephesians 6:4
"And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." 
The screech owl is one of the smaller and more inoffensive members of the owl family. While most owls have a large variety of calls and screeches, the screech owl is one that seldom screeches.

Usually the screech owl is little bother to anyone except its lunch. However, when it is time to raise Parents wise as owlsa family, the personality of the screech owl changes, and they can upset many lives. Screech owls don't build nests; they simply look for a good sheltered place to lay their eggs and protect their young. This could be a natural hollow in a tree or an abandoned woodpecker nest. After about 28 days, the eggs hatch into hollering baby screech owls.

The parents know that their work is cut out for them now. If they don't provide enough food for their youngsters, the hatchlings will eat each other right in the nest! So parents pay single-minded attention to their young's needs. They will raid area bird houses and even attack people. In one instance, a screech owl came down a chimney and yanked a canary out of its cage to take back for its hungry youngsters.

It seems that the normally inoffensive screech owl will use all of its resources to provide for its young. Has the Lord provided us with a reminder in the screech owl about how we should place our own children on a higher priority in our own busy lives?
Father, I ask that You would help our earthly fathers be more like You. Instill in Christian parents a deeper sense of the need to complete their task of bringing up their children in the training and admonition of the Lord. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Monday, August 6, 2012


Hope you've had a super summer!  I'm looking forward to a wonderful school year.

I'm looking forward to seeing you on Monday, August 20th  for our school orientation night, 6-8pm.
You will have a chance to meet the new staff and learn more about the changes here at Concordia.
The meeting will begin in the Church and will end with time to visit your child's classroom.